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Wait, what is this about?
As you know I have the huge pleasure to be part of the creative team of the Cards und More* onlineshop . The shop recently reopened after a time of reorganisation. And to celebrate that, they came up with a blast: a collaboration with the team of the GinkgoWerkstatt to enjoy and welcome spring in style:

Of course I couldn’t pass the chance to create something nice for the occasion.
Sure, as part of the team I do not compete in the spring challenge of GinkgoWerkstatt, but I want to be in for the fun of it!
Well, aren’t we a bit late to the game?
Hm, yepp, maybe… The challenge has been on for a few days already, but I won’t let that stop me. And, just to be on the safe side, I made something useful. Remember to write it down, if you don’t remember…
So, I decided to create a nice little notebook. This way I have yet another place to write everything down to make sure, I will not be (too) late for the next challenge:

Amongst all the wonderful digital motifs available at the GinkgoWerkstatt I just had to choose these blooms for me. They are sooooo ME!…

Digital stamps, since when? What?
Actually, I was tempted… all the time. I just never trusted my household printer enough to give it a try. Many months ago I even tried using digital stamps with my ScanNCut ( here).
But this time I braced myself and just went to try it. So I equipped my standard home printer with an alcoholmarker-friendly paper and just did it. And look, who would have thought, it actually works! So easy… Why didn’t I do this earlier?
That is proof_ always worth a try. And the best about digital stamps? You can adjust the size of the image to fit your project. (Please be careful to always observe the rules for usage set by the artist of the image, here for example, you can find the rules that apply for the GinkgoWerkstatt).
For my project today I grabbed a waiters notepad from my stash and edited the flowers to match the size of the pad before printing and coloring them with my markers.

So, what’s next?
For me: colorful and flowery… These flower images are sooo cute, I am surely making more with them, so stay tuned!Bunt und geblümt. Ich find diese Motive ja soooo süß, ich mach da sicherlich noch mehr damit, also, bleibt dran!
And for you? Craft along! Hop over to the spring challenge of GinkgoWerkstatt, choose a digital stamp you like, get it at a discount during the time of the challenge and then go to Facebook to take part in the challenge. With a bit of luck you can even win a voucher for the Cards und More Onlineshop!
* For fair disclosure:
I have the great honor to be part of the Cards und More designteam. I am not financially compensated for this nor are my post sponsored or directed/requested by the company. But I do receive certain products for free or with a discount. This does not influence my article. I use the products whenever I think they are the right tool for the project I am working on and my opinion is solely mine. The result is what counts for me!
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